December 31, 2007

December 27, 2007

X'mas Party @ Mom's Office

Mommy brought me and DiDee to attend her Company's X'mas Party on the 24th. Wow, there were so many aunties again. We have taken many great photos together. We were so tired running around the office and finally fell into sleep on Mommy's table. Mommy said: "Hey boys, my table is for working not for sleeping gar wor !!" Hehee Merry Christmas Mommy :)

December 24, 2007

Seasons Greetings

祝各位同狗狗聖誕快樂 !!
Merry Christmas & Happy 2008 !!

December 17, 2007

DiDee 1st Hair Cut

Mommy finally did the first hair cut for DiDee last night !!! Hehehe, it's your turn DiDee. Hey, look at DiDee's color, he is turning into dark chocolate color with a little bit of red tone like me. I think he looks so much like me after his first hair cut, what do you think? Good job Mommy !!

December 11, 2007

Ready for X'mas

媽咪打电話番嚟, 話買咗D聖誕禮物比我,等我仲開心到不得了,係咁坐喺門口等!! 点知係頂有對角既帽, 攪到我冇哂心機,成晚都唔知点咁,人哋最唔鍾意戴帽同著褲架嘛Mommyyyyyy~~~

December 10, 2007

Two Of Us

DiDee 7 months

Look at my DiDee ~ He has been with me for one month la. Daddy said DiDee's big eyes make peoples FEEL LIKE he is NOT naughty. And my pair of small eyes make me LOOKS LIKE I am very naughty. I think this is not fair. Em... DiDee -- I will not tell Daddy you always pull my ears and scream loud beside me gar kaka :)

November 14, 2007

Friend Friend

我成曰同細佬玩架,你吔睇我哋幾friend? Mommy話影相,叫我哋don't move,呀~点知亞DiDee仲係感郁,我咪禁住佢囉,我冇蝦佢架! 我哋係咪friend過打band呢? Kakaka :)

November 13, 2007

Outfit from Japan

Here comes Mommy's best pick from Pet Paradise in Japan. Obviously she likes red color more than I do. She said I must cut my hair before being a perfect model. Your Mom also did that to you?? DiDee ~~ help me !!!

My Buddy & Me

DiDee 2nd Week Home