August 1, 2008

New Blog

Hi everybody, we have moved to yahoo blog now !!
Please come visit us

June 2, 2008

March 25, 2008

Welcome Baby Miffy

Welcome Miffy to join our family !! We are all happy and excited for the arrival of this little grey baby. Mommy said Miffy is a precious gift from sister-Dathy because Miffy refreshes and bring alot of happiness to the family like an little angel !! It is Dathy's wish to see us all happy. Mommy called him Miffy to show our thankfulness, and we will keep the sweetest and happiest memories of Dathy with us forever. "Mi" means miss, "ffy" means Dathy. What a nice name Mommy :)

March 18, 2008

Family Day @ The Peak

We had a very wonderful Sunday up the Peak !! Mommy and Daddy said it is time for us all to go out and breath some fresh air!! Wow... I was really happy, look ~ I just could not stop laughing!! It was the first time DiDee and I walked on real grass, the feeling stepping on grass was great but em... a bit strange!! When Mommy put DiDee on grass, he was so afraid and called help me Ar Jade ~~ I looked back and said to him: "Hey you shy baby, come and follow me" Haha... he finally did it and ran like a black little rabbit. Brother Dickey was so happy too. It has been a long time since I last saw his smile. He felt much relief after the walk with Auntie Yue. We all enjoyed the beautiful nature. Mommy promised to bring us out more during weekends :)) Especially thanks to Auntie Yue and Uncle Frank.

March 12, 2008

In Memory Of Dathy

Sympathy from Catherine - my dearest cousin in Vancouver
I wanted to share a story with you about a place in Heaven called the Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. Her bright eyes are intent; Her eager body quivers. Suddenly she begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, her legs carrying her faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together…

In memory of Dathy and the enormous love the both of you shared with each other. The void that can never be replaced when one dies. I'm crying with you. Know that your baby is at peace at Jesus’ feet. You will hold her again one day, as all dogs go to Heaven.

Dathy March 1995 - March 2008

It is the deepest pain to lose my beloved Dathy on Wednesday, March 5th, 2008 6:40pm.

My dearest Dathy ~ It was really hard for me to say goodbye to you... But I know it was your choice as you want me to build up more strength, to be happy in this life and to be as strong as you are.

I tried to stay calm when you eyes were closing because I know you did not want mommy to cry. I was holding your hands tight, petting your head and kissing your cheek until your last minute... I could strongly felt the courage and strength from your every breath. It was so peaceful and quiet, there was only you and me. Time went by... 6:10, 6:15, 6:30 until 6:40pm...

Don't worry Dathy, please go to the Buddha's place (Heaven) with joy and be a good girl in there. I promise you I will make most out of my life, and live well by carrying your love and courage. I will be filled with happiness and gratitude in my coming days because I have you in me forever. Thank you Dathy.

We have been together for 13 years since 1995. Did I ever told you that you are my soul mate and my closest companion in my 20th life? No matter it's snowing or raining, you were always there by my side. We enjoyed the cool breeze in spring, and the bright sunshine, running joyfully on the green grass in summer. Let's keep these beautiful days forever in the deepest part of our hearts, those were the days of you and me...

Remember the days 2 of us drove under the sunset to the Blackmore Park in Richmond Hill? You were sitting next to me, looking far out from the window, exploring the wondrous sight, enjoying the breeze... Those were the sweetest memories in my life, and that you are my very special and only beloved girl. We were holding each other tight, supporting each other. You comforted me when I cried in dark, you surrounded me with love and warmth, you stopped those who wanted to hurt me, you are my guiding angel. We shared everything and we had so many happiness together in Canada and Hong Kong...

Thanks so much for always following my way with no complain even I made you moved from places to places. You were so brave to be on the plane flying thousands miles back to Hong Kong by yourself. No matter what, you still followed my way with a sweet smile...

You have been a very good girl, Dathy. You are so subtle, caring and considerate. You always listened and followed our wish even you already chosen your brightness path. Thanks so much for your patience and understanding. I realized a lot and learned so much from you.

I know you are still listening to everyone's heart and I can feel how much you still cares and loves everyone in the family. We are very blessed to have you to be our family member. We were very fond and proud of you. You are just so special. No one can replace you and you will be in our hearts forever.

Still remember the day we drove far North to the breeder's home to see you... It was getting dark so we were in a hurry to find the way. We finally arrived in front of the house you were born. Irene, the breeder opened the door to welcome us. Wasn't it lovely to see over 10 Miniature Schnauzers welcoming us? They were your blooded family in Toronto... I will never forget that beautiful scene...

Irene said there is a litter of 9 weeks old black babies "Ready to go home". I was so excited and could not wait to see you!! You were one of the 2 sisters left from the litter as your brother had been kept for show purpose. We walked into the living room, your blooded mommy ran to welcome us right the way. She was very pretty, you were as pretty as your mom and the way she stood was exactly like you. Then it was your grandparents sitting on the sofa watching TV. They were seating straight back, so calmed and relaxed... Just like the way you were at your elder ages.

Irene finally introduced you!! You were so lovely and tiny in size. Remember how you rolled on the carpet like a little black ball? I asked Irene which girl she recommends me, she asked what kind of character I like, energetic or relax? I responded to her right the way ~ I want a gentle and relaxed baby!! Irene was so right, Dathy you are the most gentle and sweetest gift.

We were sitting on the balcony under the beautiful sunset, Irene placed you on my lap. You were such a sweet baby, you felt into sleep... You slept gently on my lap while your elder sister was tearing the white curtain. I knew from that moment ~~ You are the one !! Your baby tattoo on tummy is "WRI20E".... All these happened on 2 days before my 20th Birthday on the 20th.

Day after day, you have grown to be a pretty lady in dark grey. You have also built up a very good virtue... Mommy is so proud of you !!

Dathy is blessed and we all are grateful for your being. Now you are in the Heaven, and we wish you happiness forever. Please explore the brightness ahead with courage. Please continue to nurture your good virure and polish your heart with joy. I will be with you forever by practicing hard in this living World. Let's look forward to the beautufil day to come, the day for 2 of us to meet again in the Joyous World !!

All the best to my beloved Dathy. Love you forever .....

Hugs and Kisses,


February 25, 2008

Boring at home

Sister-Dathy got sick during Chinese New Year. She was in danger and went into emergency on Feb 10th. Luckily after many medications and treatments, she is recovering pretty well now. Mommy have been taking very close care of Dathy and they visited doctor in Happy Valley almost everyday during the holiday. So we did not get a chance to go anywhere, but waiting and day dreaming at home everyday. Haaa... Mommy said she lost 8 pounds but I told her it's very hard to tell Mommy ~~ Haa... it's not that bad to stay home as I have Dickey and DiDee to be my companion. Look how boring we were >.<

February 11, 2008


祝大家 新年快樂, 身體健康, 心想事成, 萬事如意!